Seven Ways to Improve Your Self-talk

by LeRoy Malouf

Have you ever had a dialogue with yourself that seems to be on repeat?  We often have negative self-talk going on in our minds which can keep our energy from being at its strongest.  Feelings of anger, resentment, hopelessness, overwhelm and guilt, as well as feeling anxious or depressed, often contribute to this repetitive dialogue.  Or does the dialogue contribute to the feelings?  It can be both!

Switching our own internal dialogue is an important step in changing and even eliminating this negative, repetitive cycle.  Below are seven ways to use in your everyday life to improve your self-talk, which will help you shift from negative to positive feelings, and will strengthen your energy:

1) By feeling and saying to yourself, “Already healed.  Already done.”

This is the essence of what three Chinese practitioners are feeling and saying as they work on removing a tumor from a client in three minutes!

Gregg Braden, an alternative health practitioner, is observing the process through a scan that is showing the tumor disappearing:

The same impact can be gained in relation to life events, such as wanting more money, having a better relationship,  wanting a better job, by focusing on what is the desired goal or circumstance, and feeling and saying to yourself, “Already happened.  Already done!”

2) By repeating, “Every little cell in my body is happy. Every little cell in my body is well.”

This is part of a song that was first created in German by Clemens Kuby, a man who survived a 50-foot fall in the early 1980s, that shattered his 2nd lumbar vertebrae. He was told he would be a paraplegic for life.  Clemens did not accept this “diagnosis”.  He walked again in less than a year, and still does. It is an amazing recovery because science still can’t explain it. It’s not in the medical books because it’s not logical.  Clemens Kuby still has a shattered 2nd vertebrae.  Today he holds regular workshops in Germany on the power of self-healing. The full song is:

Every little cell in my body is happy.
Every little cell in my body is well.
Every little cell in my body is happy.
Every little cell in my body is well.
Feel so good. Feel so swell.
Every little cell in my body is well
Feel so good. Feel so swell.
Every little cell in my body is well.

3) By affirming/expressing to ourselves, “Thank you, I love you! I love you, thank you!”

When we are bothered by or reacting to something outside of ourselves, we shift by looking for where/how/when we said/thought/or did the very same thing that is bothering us. We then focus on loving and accepting ourselves for the very same thing. It is as simple as expressing love to ourselves.

This practice was created by Dr. Hew Len and is called “Ho’oponopono”, and a more detailed description can be found HERE.

4) Using the word Shazam.

This is a word trademarked by Marvel Comics (used with permission) that creates a transformation from a negative situation to a positive one.  It has a magical quality as in something happening instantly.  When said in response to a negative self-talk thought, we immediately shift to positive thoughts and energy!

5) Expressing gratitude.

Being thankful for what we have, as well as what we wish to have, opens the door for more good to come into our lives.  Also, when we are grateful for what we want to manifest as though it already exists, we shift our energies to consciously and unconsciously make it happen.  When we are constantly asking for something instead of being grateful for what we have, we keep ourselves in a state of continuous wanting.  This reduces our abilities to receive and to be content!

Accepting ourselves in all ways does not mean that we only get more of the same.  Self-acceptance is a key for positive change.  On the other hand, denying our situation attracts more of what we don’t want.

6) Feeling Unconditional Love.

This is a universal love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstances.  This love exists without judgments or conditions.  Shift your energy by remembering and deepening your own feelings of unconditional love. (Read more about Unconditional Love HERE.)

7) By affirming/expressing to ourselves, “Everyday in every way, I’m getting better and better.”

This is called the Coué method. Emile Coue (1857 – 1926) was a French psychologist and pharmacist who introduced a popular method of psychotherapy and self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion.  Coué maintained that curing some of our troubles requires a change in our unconscious thought, which can be achieved only by using our imagination.  He suggested using the above while in a relaxed state, such when awakening in the morning and when going to bed at night. Repeating it during the day increases the positive impact!(

By regularly shifting our self-talk with one or more of these seven ways, we shift our feelings and perceptions from what weakens us to what strengthens us.  By stating and/or feeling them in present tense terms, we affirm and support wellness, vitality, and resilience within us!